Be sure to look over your shoulder when you go out next. Anyone could be hiding in the shadows following you. Or, if you’re like this unlucky woman, they’re following you in broad daylight.
“I work at a fast-food restaurant and we tend to get a lot of, well, interesting customers. One day, a man came in and I, being the cashier, went to serve him. He stood at the counter for about ten seconds without looking at me. Then he literally ran out of the restaurant without another word. I was already spooked. Cut to about two hours later, when I’m cleaning the men’s bathrooms. This guy walks in, and I apologize, saying that I would only be a moment to finish up my cleaning. When I tried to leave the bathroom with my cleaning supplies, this guy blocked the doorway. He wouldn’t let me pass for another ten seconds, all without saying a word to me. He then spent another half an hour in the bathroom before exiting the restaurant without purchasing anything. An hour later, you guessed it, he’s back again, pacing back and forth at the front of the store. He ends up ordering $30 worth of food and (rather than waiting for his order) leaves the store whilst the food is being prepared, never to return.
Okay, here’s where it gets seriously spooky. Several weeks later, I’m waiting for my bus to go to work, when I spot this man. He sees me, walks up, and stands next to me for the ten-minute wait. When the bus finally arrived, he turned around and walked away. As a young woman, this scared the living daylights out of me. It particularly terrified me when I saw him a couple of weeks ago. I drove past the sight of him getting arrested, surrounded by police officers.”