Have you ever worked so hard to achieve something only to fail? This Reddit user didn’t give up, but tried again year after year and worked hard to win just once. But as the story goes for 2020, a contest was canceled and there were no more chances.
“Since as long as I can remember, I have joined every single spelling bee contest that our school held. There was an annual spelling bee that consisted of three stages, each year, and for more than 7 years, I would win all the stages, end up with the final contestant…. and lose. Every. Single. Year. This year, was my last chance at winning, (since I am graduating school), and I made it my ultimate goal to win no matter what or how hard it gets. I stayed up late, neglected other duties, and made it my purpose. The contest got canceled because of COVID-19. And with that, I end up being the kid with seven others: thank you for your participation certificate. Never won, never will win. I have tried everything thing I can to only win just once, but… I know to some it isn’t that much of a big deal, but to me it is… I just wanted to see my mom’s face when I tell her that I finally won, but I will never be able to.”