I personally have had different things happen to me that leave me questioning the spiritual realm of what is real and what spirits are lurking in my home, or crossing over to impact my day to day life. Sometimes it may seem creepy, sometimes comforting. These stories were shared on our Storyblend Facebook Group and let’s just says the Storyblender was less than thrilled and definitely creeped by the experiences.
“So, I’m living at my parents’ house due to COVID-19. It’s an older house and these weird occurrences keep happening. At first, I just thought it was an older house issue.
A few months ago, I was using the treadmill in their basement. Suddenly, the treadmill turned off and the lights flickered. Okay, strange! What was strange was my parents were upstairs, and they said that the power didn’t surge upstairs. So, that was weird. Maybe, the ghost or spirit didn’t want me visiting my parents for whatever reason.
Just about a month ago, I was in their basement trying to watch “America’s Got Talent” which I had recorded on their DVR. Well, the show wouldn’t start up. Not exactly weird at first since I have DVR issues sometimes. But, the weird part then was, the TV turned off and then back on. So, I went upstairs to try and watch the show on the living room TV. Well, the exact same thing happened. Here is where is where it gets really freaky. I was just now playing on my computer, I don’t have the volume on because my parents are both sleeping. I heard someone knocking on my living room window. Naturally, I open my blinds to peek outside. Nobody is technically there. Not a person anyways. I wish I would’ve gotten a picture, if I could. These angry looking red eyes were staring directly into my soul. I held my breath, so I wouldn’t scream to wake my parents up. I was very freaked out. My heart was beating loud.”