There was always that one kid in class!
All content has been edited for clarity.
Some Of These Are Psychotic Moves
“This kid in elementary school who had to be first at everything. I don’t mean like super-competitive in sports or whatever. I mean he had to be first in line, first in school, first out, first at literally everything.
He would be in front of the school before it even opened to students (6:30 am, class started at 7 am), waiting for that clock hand to touch 6:30 so he could sprint in and sit first in his class.
He would sit near the very front of the class so he could be first in line.
He would always, without a doubt, raise his hand as soon as the teacher asked a question to the class. Most of the time, he didn’t even know the answer, the teacher would pick him and he’d start frantically looking for the answer or would make up something.
As soon as class ended, he would SPRINT across the whole school so he could be the first out the doors.
Here’s some more weirdness: every day during recess, he would always hang out right next to the fence line closest to the school. As soon as the teacher would blow the whistle, he’d be right there immediately.
The teacher would tell everyone to turn in their homework from the night before in this basket thing, he’d grab it and book it to go turn it in first. The problem was the basket was on the opposite side of the classroom (remember: he sat up front). More often than not, I remember some poor soul or chair or desk getting in his way and getting trampled.
He would always be the first to finish his tests or quizzes. I never really paid attention to his grades, but I assumed he did fine since he never failed a grade. I remember blazing through a math test, as soon as I stood up to turn it in, he jumped in front of me and handed in his test first. I don’t even know if he finished it.”