A Terrifying Nighttime Lullaby.
What is going on? Shouldn’t the kids be sleeping? Reddit user melissa132428 tells her story about when she was babysitting two kids and the video monitor was revealing something that was too scary to believe was true.
“I used to babysit two kids, and they each had a video monitor that picked up sound. I put them to bed and was sitting downstairs doing homework, and I thought they were both asleep because it had been like a half hour since I had put them in bed, and neither kid was shifting around anymore. It was silent except for their breathing through the monitors. It was pitch black outside and the parents wouldn’t be home for another couple of hours.
All of a sudden I heard a little kids voice singing. I couldn’t tell what the voice was saying, but it sounded really creepy. I looked at the monitors, and neither kid had moved.
Went up to their rooms and checked on them both. Apparently the younger one (3 years old) would sing to himself when he couldn’t sleep, and his mom didn’t tell me that. He was laying perfectly still singing softly, and I nearly shit myself when I heard it through the monitor.”

At Least The Shadow Was Nice.
There are so many experiences with baby monitors, or spirits playing with kids in cribs. I have heard my daughter playing with my grandfather who passed away. To me, it wasn’t scary, it was more comforting knowing she was happy. This Reddit user tells her story about one creepy night she babysat her niece. Safe to safe, this one goes down in the books of creepy situations!
“I was baby sitting my niece once while I was staying at my brother’s place and they had the baby camera setup that had a corresponding tv monitor. I was studying and started dozing off when I heard some whispering and realized it was coming from the monitor. I initially thought it was some feedback or something, but when I looked at the tv there was a dark shadow near her crib. I have never been more terrified in my life but the shadow was clearly there where it had not been before.
I ran to her room and looked around and saw nothing but I took her the out of there. I went back to the tv and the shadow was clearly gone. I told my brother what happened and he pulled me aside. He told me not to mention it to my sister in law because she’ll freak out. He had seen that same thing several times now, with the same whispering.
They stayed in that house for about 4 more years and when my niece was just learning to talk she would tell her mom about her “special friend”. This experience to this day scares the shit out of me. When they moved out, my brother told me my niece had become inconsolably sad because she would miss her “friend”. Her mom would tell her she could bring him along but all she would say was that he couldn’t leave the house. We have never to this day told her about that damn shadow, and she apparently never saw it.”

A Terrible Thing To Hear While Home Alone.
Being home alone as a child is scary enough. Add in some crazy cosmic experiences, unforeseen or unexpected noises and there you go, full on panic. This Reddit user tells her story about the time she was home alone and the most unexplainable thing happened.
“My family used to have a baby monitor set up at the top of our stairs so that when myself or my brother were downstairs on the family computer, my mom could simply talk at a normal level near the monitor and we would know to come up. It was really handy actually.
Anyways, one night my parents were at my brothers hockey game and I was home alone. I am downstairs on the computer playing Roller Coaster Tycoon. The monitor was always on full volume. As a kid, anytime I would hear a crack or a noise I would obviously stop playing and listen carefully. Well on this particular night I heard a bang, but nothing that was too startling. It kind of sounded like a cupboard door shutting.
I paused my game and stared at the monitor. I then heard my front door unlock but the door didn’t open. My heart dropped, it was eerily quiet. About 10 seconds after the door unlocked I heard a massive loud bang. It was like someone stomping on the hardwood upstairs, and the baby monitor went to loud static. I immediately start crying and hid under the computer desk for an hour before my parents came home.
When my parents got home they asked me if I had let anyone in because the door was unlocked. I explained what happened but they couldn’t figure anything out. There was nothing taken, the baby monitor was still plugged in, and there were no signs of anyone else being in the house. To this day thinking about that night gives me chills.”

Creepily Sweet.
Would you feel comforted or be afraid? Reddit user eskamobob1 tells her story about the man’s voice that her parents heard regularly coming from her room at night.
“When I was little my parents used to hear an indistinguishable mumbling coming from my room on a weekly basis that was blatantly a man’s voice. These were the same nights that my toys would turn on and start playing music in the middle of the night. My grandmother used to say that my grandfather (he passed away when I was just over a year old) was always watching over me.”