“I worked at a fast food chain, and they recently brought in a mega pain in the butt as an assistant manager. Her reputation preceded her: three people requested transfers before she got there.
One day my buddy (who also works there) comes in early, walks into the back of the kitchen, and starts putting some stuff up. She comes over and just starts chewing him out for not being back there before his shift starts, and she was going absolutely crazy. Before I could say or do anything, he takes off his shirt and drops it, then takes off his pants and shoes as a response. The entire time she was still running her mouth, until the pants came off. He gave the ‘one finger salute’ and strolled off, ‘haters going to hate’ style in his boxers.
She was left speechless, I ducked out the back because I nearly peed myself laughing. I caught up to him later, and he was planning on quitting soon anyway, that was just all he could take. It was glorious. To this point it was the best way I’ve ever seen someone quit.”