“A couple of years ago the idiots at the HOA sent me a letter informing me to remove a dying tree in my front yard and replant a similar tree ASAP or I will be heavily fined. I have three small trees in my front yard and all 3 look fine, so I call them.
I spoke to the ‘manager’ of the community and she read the notice back to me verbatim. I said I understand the letter, but I’m unsure which tree she was speaking about. She gets mad and said she’ll schedule someone to come over and show me.
Fast forward a couple of days and I happen to be WFH. I see someone poking around my yard for a few mins. before I go out there.
Me – ‘Can I help you?’
HOA Guy – ‘Uh I’m here to inform you to remove and replace the dying tree.’
Me – ‘Okay which one is dying?’
HOA Guy – ‘That one (points to a tree w/ yellow leaves)’
Me – ‘That tree is not dying.’
HOA Guy – ‘Yes it is, the leaves are yellow and are falling off.’
Me – ‘Uh… it’s Fall, and trees do that.’
HOA Guy – ‘The other tree’s leaves are not yellow.’
Me – ‘They’ll get yellow eventually, this happens every year. It’s called f’n Nature.’
HOA Guy doesn’t say another word and walks off. I never heard another word from them about the ‘dying tree’.”