Mothers know no bounds. Contents edited for clarity.
“I was substituting for their tech class and got a call from an irate mother about her child. I was really curious at first, but then the principal comes in and signals me to hang up NOW. I keep listening though. Apparently her kid got a 79 on a test, and she wanted him to retake it. As lenient as this school is, it was a state test and I knew that. My explanation didn’t appease her in the slightest. She begins screaming as high-pitched as she can and my god was it nauseating.
You know when you walk into a daycare center, a little bratty girl walks up to you, and screams for no reason at all? That kind of screaming, but I could tell she was trying to annunciate words.
I sat there, shocked. I had my phone volume at one, and the principal was able to hear it from a good eight feet away clearly as a bell. He leans up against the wall, and at this point, we’re waiting for her to stop screaming. And oh boy that’s when the slurs came out! My god could this woman curse.
It suddenly ended, and I can hear her out of breath on the other end; panting like a dog, wheezing like a pig getting slaughtered. I give a good ten-second pause, and asked ‘Would you like fries with that?’
A slur comes out of the phone, and she screeches. No annunciation, no attempts, no vague dictation. A loud, piercing screech permanently damaged the phone’s speaker. Then a click.
We never laughed harder in our lives. ‘Thank god you don’t work here’ laughed the principal, ‘or I’d have to fire you.’
All this screaming because the kid got a 79. Simply incredible.”