We’ve heard stories time and time again of families, particular in-laws, getting in the way of happy marriages. Even the strongest bonds can break with the presence and persistence of a monstrous in-law hellbent on getting their way. Such is the case with our following story. A boy finds a girl, they fall in the love, but the mother-in-law is determined to break them apart and make what was suppose to be the happiest day of their lives one of the worst.
“Around three years ago, my cousin got married. His family, like mine is very religious, albeit more controlling. Because his mother has a big name teaching in mosques, she made sure to pick her sons’ wives with them so that they suit her image to the public as a religious, righteous person.

But her son chose a woman who’s not to her liking. His bride wasn’t that religious. She was average. She wore good old shirts and jeans with a small scarf, not the loose ‘modest’ outfits that her mother-in-law would’ve liked. So that mother-in-law hated her guts.

On the day of their wedding, the mother-in-law was furious. The wedding was anything but a good representation of her and will leave a dent on her reputation and name.
The bride’s family played loud ‘vulgar’ songs, the women dancing and swooning with their tight clothes. Then the bride herself dared to ask our groom to go for a slow dance with her.

Her mother-in-law had enough and got angry. She headed towards her son and whispered to put a stop to all these frivolous acts or she will leave.
Naturally, he couldn’t just go to the DJ and give him a new playlist at the moment, nor could he go around ordering people to stop dancing. He sweet-talked her to no avail.
She fought with him and told her children to tell the DJ guy to stop the music.
When things got out of control and people started noticing the commotion, she threatened that if she left the wedding, her son shouldn’t even dream of an income (she was the CEO of their family’s company).

When she attempted to leave all her kids ran after her, including the groom, to apologize and tell her to just let it go for tonight.
She kept muttering, ‘What will people say when they know that my son threw such a wedding when I preach in the mosque about modesty?’
I felt bad for the bride for all this ruckus happening simply because she wanted to rejoice.

This situation wasn’t new in my family. My grandpa actually kicked out the DJ guy from my uncle’s wedding for the exact same reason.
That being said, my family is more religious than 90% of Egyptians I come across. So even by Egyptian standards this is way too much.
Exactly after 4 months of this marriage, the couple split up. And unsurprisingly the mother-in-law played a huge part in that divorce. But this time she swore to choose a more religious bride for her son, and she did.”